TerraChem Chemistry
All TerraChem formulations are designed to be compatible with all metallurgies and can operate across a wide range of temperatures. Organically based and fully biodegradable, TerraChem’s products permit full hydrocarbon recovery on-site with resulting waste waters suitable for most API separators, all of which virtually eliminates hazardous waste generation and its subsequent treatment.

TC2000 Fin Fans
TC 2000 is an excellent environmentally safe product that makes thick sustaining foam, which cleans the oil laden dirt particles bonded on the fins and associated piping. The foam made with TC-2000 is an emulsion, with air as the internal phase and water containing powerful surfactants, hydrocarbon extractant and wetting agent as the external phase. This thick foam when applied to the fin fans greatly enhances the contact time between the powerful surfactants and wetting agent in TC-2000 and the fins’ surface area. This allows TC-2000 to penetrate into areas otherwise impossible to clean with the use of conventional methods, all while avoiding damage to the fragile fins. The powerful emulsifiers and wetting agents in TC-2000 effectively emulsify and loosen the bonded oil laden dirt particles from the fins and the associated pipes.


TC-2000 is applied as thick foam with the aid of a portable foam generating machine. This foam generating machine is employed to apply thick foam on the fin fan surfaces.

The thick foam when applied to the fin fans greatly enhances the contact time between the powerful surfactants and wetting agent in TC- 2000 and the fins’ surface area, allowing TC-2000 to effectively emulsify and loosen the bonded oil laden particles from the fins and the associated pipes associated pipes.

After thirty to forty five minutes the foam collapses and the fin fan exchangers are washed gently with low pressure water hose to rinse and wash away the bonded dirt particles from the fin fans, rendering fins and the associated piping clean. The improvement in heat transfer rate after TC-2000 wash is significant.

The concentration of TC-2000 in water to make stable foam depends on the foam generating machine.Typical starting concentration of TC-2000 is approximately 20 oz/per gallon of water. The dosage can be adjusted upwards or downwards based on the consistency of the foam and type of machine used to generate the foam.