TC-4000 is most effective when used in conjunction with TC-5000 for decontamination of Thermal Cracker Units.
Increased Solvency of Flushing Oil: The increased solvency of flushing oil by addition of TC-4000 results in greater dissolution of heavy, semi-solid and solid state hydrocarbons in the liquid state. This phenomenon frees the coke and inorganic particles embedded in the heavy hydrocarbons allowing for much-improved decontamination of process vessels in Thermal Cracker Units.
TC-4000 allows oil refineries to decontaminate heavily fouled process units. Typical use concentration of TC-4000 is 3% to 4.0% in flushing oil. This mixture of flushing oil and TC 4000 is circulated in a closed loop through the plant’s process vessels for a pre-determined period of time.
Subsequently, TC-5000 concentration of 2% to 3% is added to this mixture along with water and circulated in a closed loop.
Upon completion of the process, Visbreaker and PDA units have
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Physical Properties
Color: Slightly Pale
Specific Gravity:. 0.9 to0 .92
Density:7.4 to 7.6 lb/gal
Solubility: Dispersible in water
Flash Point:104°F