TC 6000 is an exceptional decontamination and degassing product for process equipments in petrochemical plants. TC –6000 effectively transports out not only heavy tar and cyclic hydrocarbons but also light hydrocarbons such as benzene found in the petrochemical process vessels such as Quench Settler, Quench Tower and associated piping and heat exchangers.
The surfactants in TC-6000 form a highly stable water external emulsion, which facilitates the removal of heavy tar from the petrochemical plant process vessels. TC-6000 is environmentally friendly and biodegradable.
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Physical Properties
Color: Amber
Specific Gravity: 0.9 to 0.92
Density: 7.4 to 7.6 lb/gal
Solubility: Dispersible in water
Flash Point: 104° F